ANZAC Day Services and Parades
Citizens are invited to attend Public Commemoration Services held in the Hauraki District each year on ANZAC Day.
Services have been held in Paeroa, Waihī, Ngātea, Kaihere/Pātetonga, Kerepēhi and Kaiaua, and timings for these services are published in local newspapers and via our website.
Please note: The RSA website has further information about ANZAC services and parades throughout the district and New Zealand.
6:00 am RSA Dawn service, Cenotaph, Primrose Hill
9:00 am Parade from Marshall Street to War Memorial Hall, via Wharf Street, Belmont Road and Normanby Road
9:15 am Civic Service at Paeroa War Memorial Hall
6:00 am RSA Dawn service, Waihī RSA
8:00 am Wreath laying, Waiīi Cemetery
9:00 am Tunnelling Company Service, Gilmour Reserve, Waihī
10:45 am Parade from Seddon St to Waihī Memorial Hall
11:00 am Civic Service at Waihī Memorial Hall
6:00 am Dawn Service, Hauraki Plains College, Ngātea
11:00 am Parade from Hauraki RSA, through Hugh Hayward Domain, to Ngātea War Memorial Hall
11:15 am Civic Service at Ngātea War Memorial Hall
9:30 am Service at Kaihere Hall
6:00 am Dawn service and Parade (5.30am muster for parade), Kerepēhi War Memorial Hall
7:00 am Service at Ruaoneone, Urupa, F Lowry Road, Whakatiwai
Services Dress - Mufti and Service Medals.
Wreaths will be laid during the service.
Voices Behind the Uniforms
An "ANZAC Day Commemoration - Voices Behind the Uniforms" tells the stories of local RSA servicemen and what the ANZAC spirit means to them. Filmed in the Waihī and Paeroa RSAs, and with footage from last year's Ngātea street parade and service, Voices Behind the Uniforms will make you laugh and cry all at the same time. It is hosted by local professional actor and NZ icon Mark Wright, who shares his personal connection to Waihī's Rob Roy Hotel and the Gallipoli campaign, along with a theatre piece from his one man show "Monologues from Gallipoli" premiered with Waihī Drama Society on Saturday 11 June 2022.
(Click on an episode to view the video)
Episode 1 - In this introduction we meet Mayor Toby Adams and Mark Wright, as they discuss what the Rob Roy Hotel in Waihī means to Mark and though it, his link to the Gallipoli campaign.
Episode 2 - In this episode we get an inside peek at Waihī's historic Roy Roy Hotel's renovations and hear more about actor Mark Wright's experience in Gallipoli and his connection to the hotel.
Episode 3 - In this episode Mayor Toby Adams talks about his experience in Arras, France.
The New Zealand Tunnelling Company arrived in Arras, France, in March 1916. Made up of quarrymen and goldminers from Waihī and Karangahake, the tunnellers were tasked with the dangerous work of linking an underground system of old chalk quarries with tunnels (that they named after places in NZ), to get the Allies behind the German lines. In this episode we commemorate the hardy tunnellers from our district and learn more about Mark's Gallipoli experience.
Episode 4 - In this episode Mayor Toby Adams and Mark Wright discuss the importance of commemorating ANZAC Day, especially for the younger generation and the Plains shows us that the ANZAC spirit is in 'good hearts and good hands', as we revisit the Ngātea parade and service from 2021.
Episode 5 - In this episode, Paeroa College students share in a moving experience from Gallipoli with Mark Wright, and hear thought provoking stories from 3 Paeroa RSA Returned Servicemen. It was a privilege to hear their stories and impressions of ANZAC Day and what it means to them.
Episode 6 - An ANZAC Day Commemoration - Voices Behind the Uniforms. 25 April 2022 - Our sincere thanks to the Returned Servicemen of the Paeroa and Waihī RSA who appear in this video. They are our voices behind the uniforms. Their stories are moving, funny and heartfelt. We were humbled to capture them and hope we've done them justice. Lest we forget.