Creative Communities Scheme (CCS)
Applications are currently closed. Hauraki Creative Communities Scheme applications are advertised in February and July/August each year. Dates will be advertised in local papers and here on our website.
Creative New Zealand supports community involvement in community arts and cultural activities and each year we are provided with funding to distribute to these projects.
There are two funding rounds a year. There is no maximum amount you can apply for, however grants usually range between $500 - $5,000.
We have provided a brochure and an application guide in the forms section below, to give you all the information you need before you start. All applications should be on the appropriate Application Form.
If you have any further questions regarding your application or to put you on the right track for applying, you can email our Creative Communities Scheme Administrator, Katie McLaren
Funding Dates
Applications will be open from 10 February to 14 March 2025
Hauraki Creative Communities Scheme applications are advertised in February and July/August each year. Dates will be advertised in local papers and here on our website.
Who Can Apply
Anyone can apply if their project meets at least one of the following:
- Broad community involvement - The project will create opportunities for Hauraki District communities to engage with and participate in arts activities.
- Diversity - The project will support the diverse arts and cultural traditions of local communities, enriching and promoting their uniqueness and cultural diversity.
- Young people - The project will enable and encourage young people (under 18 years) to engage with and actively participate in the arts.
To find out more about funding criteria, please read the Creative Communities Scheme Funding for Local Arts brochure.
We have previously funded:
- Exhibitions, productions, concerts, festivals, workshops and presentations that offer opportunities for community involvement in the arts.
- Activities that support the traditions and arts of ethnic communities.
- Youth arts events.
- Artist-led projects involving local communities.
- Materials for arts activities or programmes.
- Personnel costs for one-off, short-term projects.
- Promotion and publicity of arts activities.
- School-based projects that are outside of the school’s normal activities and provide opportunities for community participation or benefits to the wider community are also eligible.
How to apply
- Before applying we recommend that you read the Creative Communities Scheme Funding for Local Arts brochure and Application Guide
- Then complete the Application Form
- Email or post the completed the application form and supporting documentation to us:
Creative Communities Scheme Administrator
Hauraki District Council
PO Box 17
Remember: Get your documents to us before the application date closes. Closing dates will be advertised on our website, social media and local newspapers.
If you have any questions, you can email our Creative Communities Scheme Administrator, Katie McLaren.
Forms and Guides
Creative Communities Downloadable Forms & Guides
Applications for the Creative Communities Scheme Hauraki, round 1 2024/2025 are now closed.
The Assessment Panel
We administer the funding based on decisions made by an assessment panel made up of representatives from across the Hauraki District.
The assessment panel is made up of:
- One or more appointments from the Hauraki Plains Ward
- One or more appointments from the Paeroa Ward
- One or more appointments from the Waihī Ward
- One or more appointments tangata whenua appointment from across the district
- Two elected member appointments from the Hauraki District Council
Public appointments for the panel are made via call for nominations and approval by the assessment panel and the HDC elected member representatives are appointed by the Mayor.
For Guidance and information regarding your application you are encouraged to contact an Assessment Panel member from your community:
- Melba Pakinga - Paeroa
- Amanda Ryan - Waihī
- Anne Marie Spicer – HDC Representative
- Jo Tilsley – HDC Representative
If you would like to submit a nomination for the assessment panel, please find our assessor nomination form in the 'Forms and Guides' section above
Previous Grant Recipients
We have been awarding Creative Community Scheme Grants since 2018. Take a look at our successful Creative Community Scheme projects.