Applying for tender
The process for submitting tenders is outlined in each contract tender document.
If you are a business considering applying for a Council tender, view the ‘Information for Suppliers’ guide for helpful information and advice.
Register for GETS here. You will need a RealMe account.
As a registered supplier you can:
- Receive email notification of any new tenders we publish
- Download and view the documentation
- Participate in tender forums to seek clarifications or to ask questions
If you need help with GETS, you can contact their helpdesk:
- Free Phone (NZ): 0508 GETS HELP (0508 438 743).
- International: +64 4 901 3188.
- Email: info@gets.govt.nz
Once a Hauraki District Council tender has been published on GETS, all communications, including tender addendums and any tender forum questions and answers will be issued by the relevant council contact via GETS and will arrive at the tenderer's email address from the GETS address: noreply@gets.govt.nz. Make sure you understand the timeframes and submit your tender bid before the closing date and time.
The process for responding to our tenders will be outlined in our tender documentation.
For more information or advice: info@hauraki-dc.govt.nz