Ngā Kōwhiringa Pōti
Stand up for Hauraki
Local authority elections are held every three years, with the next being held by postal vote on Saturday 11 October 2025.
The first past the post (FPP) electoral system will be used for both the Hauraki District Council and the Waikato Regional Council elections.
2025 Key Dates
Nominations open - Friday 4 July
Nominations close - noon, Friday 1 August
Delivery of voting packs from - Tuesday 9 September
Close of voting - noon, Saturday 11 October
Official results announced - Friday 17 October
Vote 2025
Following the decision to establish Māori wards in 2023, Hauraki District Council undertook a representation arrangements review (review of wards, boundaries, number of elected members etc).
As a result of this, elections will be required for the following positions:
- Mayor (elected ‘at large’)
- Councillors (13)
- Plains General Ward (4)
- Paeroa General Ward (3)
- Waihī General Ward (4)
- Te Pakikau o te Ika Māori Ward (2)
- Waikato Regional Council Members
- Waihou General Constituency (2), or
- Thames-Coromandel General Constituency (1), or
- Ngā Tai ki Uta Māori Constituency (1)
Details about the six-yearly Representation Review which determined the representation for 2025 election, can be found on our consultation website Kōrero Mai | Let'sTalk.
Are you enrolled to vote?
All resident electors and nonresident ratepayer electors on the electoral roll are eligible to vote.
If you are not enrolled you have until July 2025 to appear on the local electoral role. After this date call 0800 36 76 56.
Check your enrolment details or get enrolled:
- visit Vote NZ or
- phone 0800 36 76 56.
Non-resident ratepayers
If you're a ratepayer in Hauraki, but don't live here, you may be entitled to enrol to vote on the non-resident ratepayer roll. Companies, businesses and societies that are ratepayers, may also nominate one elector to vote on their behalf, provided they reside outside of the Hauraki District Council area.
If you think you may be eligible to enrol or to nominate a person for the non-resident ratepayer electoral roll, you will need to complete an Enrolment Form for Ratepayer Electors.
How can I be nominated?
Nominations for these positions open on Friday 4 July 2025 and close at noon on Friday 1 August 2025.
For online nominations go to: www.electionservices.co.nz.
Printed nomination papers will also be available during this period from:
- Ngātea Office, 84 Orchard West Road, Ngātea;
- Waihī Office, 40 Rosemont Road, Waihī;
- Paeroa Office, 1 William Street, Paeroa;
- or to download and print at: www.hauraki-dc.govt.nz;
- or phone the electoral office on 0800 922 822.
To be eligible to stand for election, a candidate must be:
- a New Zealand citizen (by birth or naturalisation ceremony); and
- enrolled as a Parliamentary elector (anywhere in New Zealand); and
- nominated by two electors whose names appear on the electoral roll within the respective area that a candidate is standing for.
A candidate information handbook will be available in May 2025.
More information
If you would like more information on how the First Past the Post (FPP) voting system works, please check the Department of Internal Affairs' website at www.dia.govt.nz.