Information Requests
We are committed to promoting openness and transparency in everything we do. If you are interested in information that is not available on this website, there are two types of information requests we can help you with:
- Official information – you can request official information held by us under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA); and
- Personal information – you can request to see any personal information we hold about you under the Privacy Act.
If you are not happy with the outcome of your request for official information, you can contact the Office of the Ombudsman. If you are not happy with the outcome of your Privacy Act request, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner.
How do I make a request?
When requesting information, please include your contact details and be as specific as you can about what you are seeking so that we can find the information you are looking for.
You can make a request in the following ways :
Call our 24/7 Customer Service Centre: 07 862 8609 or 0800 734 834 (from within the district).
Ask in person at our Customer Service Centres:
- 1 William Street, Paeroa,
- 84 Orchard West Rd, Ngatea
- 40 Rosemont Rd, Waihi
Post your request to: Official Information Request, Hauraki District Council, PO Box 17, Paeroa 3600.
Email us at
How long will it take to process my request?
We will acknowledge your information request as soon as is practical. We will reach a decision on your request as soon as possible but no later than 20 working days after receiving it.
We will also let you know as soon as possible if we need:
- to extend the deadline on your request if the request is complex, involves a large amount of research and collation or requires us to consult with other parties
- more information in order to respond to your request
- to transfer the request to another government organisation.
Once a decision is made to release the information requested it will be provided without undue delay.
What if I want to report an issue?
If you want to report an issue you have come across, contact us at Contact Us or Report an Issue - My Hauraki or call us on 07 862 8609 or freephone 0800 734 834 (from within the District).
Withholding information
We may withhold information for specific reasons specified in sections 6, 7 and 17 of the LGOIMA. We may withhold personal information under sections 49 to 53 of the Privacy Act 2020.
If we withhold or decline to give information, we will explain the reason why however the most common reasons include protecting people’s privacy, maintaining legal privilege and to enable our Council to carry on its commercial activities.
When you may be requested to pay for information
Generally, requests for information are free of charge. However, there are times when we can charge for responding to official information requests under LGOIMA.
If we decide to release information with a charge imposed, we will contact you first to explain the decision and how the cost has been reached.
You can then decide to proceed, withdraw, or refine your request.
Requests will be processed upon confirmation of the charge being accepted and paid.
Need more information?
If you have any questions regarding official or privacy information requests, email us at
Need more information about fees and charges?
Our fees and charges are updated annually and are available at our Fees and Charges page.