Plans & Strategies
Hauraki District Plan
The Hauraki District Plan is the primary document for the management of the effects of land use and development within the Hauraki District.
Long Term Plan
This is our key planning document that outlines our work programme and strategic direction for the 2024 to 2034 ten year period.
Annual Plan
Our Annual Plan details the Council's activities, services and work programme, as well as financial and funding statements, for the period 1 July to 30 June.
Annual Report
The annual report presents our key achievements for the year from 1 July to 30 June.
Community Placemaking Plans
The placemaking plans showcase the aspirations of Iwi partners and the wider community for our public spaces in Paeroa, Kerepēhi and Ngātea.
Growth Strategy
Our Growth Strategy addresses the opportunities and challenges of managing population growth and development in a sustainable way
Land Transport Procurement Strategy
This strategy signals Council’s intentions for procurement of both subsidised and non-subsidised land transport activities.
Manaaki Toiora Strategy
The Manaaki Toiora Strategy sets out the work we’ll continue to undertake alongside our communities and stakeholders to enhance the wellbeing of people and our communities.
Reserve Management Plan
Our Reserve Management Plan provides a guideline for what can happen on the parks and reserves into the future.
Speed Management Plan
Our Speed Management Plan is no longer approved by NZTA due to a change in rules, and has therefore been removed.
Sport and Active Recreation Plan
Hauraki District Council and Sport Waikato work together to support the provision of sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities for the Hauraki community.
Tourism Strategy
Our tourism strategy, Destination Hauraki, sets out our vision for Hauraki District to be a sustainable and inclusive tourism industry contributing value to its communities, environment and visitors.
Waste Management and Minimisation
Our WMMP is our plan for reducing waste to landfill and minimising the harmful effects of waste in our district.
Wharekawa Coast 2120 Community Plan
This plan provides a pathway for how the community and the councils can work together to ensure a safe and resilient future for communities living on the Wharekawa Coast.
Zero Carbon Promise
Our Zero Carbon Promise sets out how we will work toward achieving our goal to reduce or offset more of our organisational greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to creating a zero carbon district.