Plan Changes
Proposed Plan Change 6 to the Hauraki District Plan - Hauraki Section
Proposed Plan Change 6: Extension of Martha Mineral Zone
Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Ltd has applied to the Hauraki District Council for a private plan change to rezone 47 properties (owned by, or under the control of Oceana Gold) to Martha Mineral Zone in the Hauraki District Plan. All 47 properties are in the vicinity of the existing Martha Pit and the change of zone would still require resource consent to expand the Martha Pit across all, or part of, those properties (as a discretionary activity).
At its meeting on 25 October 2023 the Hauraki District Council resolved to ‘accept’ Proposed Plan Change 6: Extension of Martha Mineral Zone for processing.
View more about the proposal including the supporting documentation...
Plan Change 5 to the Hauraki District Plan - Hauraki Section
The Private Plan Change application sought to rezone the former Paeroa Racecourse from Reserve (Active) to Residential and Reserve (Passive), to facilitate a mix of residential, commercial and open space activities in accordance with a new Structure Plan for the site.
It also sought the inclusion of the existing trees in the south western corner in the Schedule of Significant Trees.
Council Resolution
THAT the Hauraki District Council, In accordance with clause 20 (1) of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, publicly notifies the Plan Change 5 will become 'Operative', from 16 December 2022.
Removal of Designation
The District Plan text and Map G4 have been amended accordingly.
Plan Change 4 to the Hauraki District Plan - Hauraki Section
The purpose of Plan Change 4 (the plan change) was to amend definitions, correct cross references, update maps and schedules (e.g. significant natural areas, heritage features, significant areas) and references to external documents and to make relatively minor amendments to improve overall consistency and administration of the District Plan.
Note: Items 6a, 93, 21, 43 and 66 were withdrawn.
Council Resolution
THAT the Hauraki District Council, in accordance with clause 20 (1) and (2) in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, publicly notifies that Items:1, 3, 7 8, 20, 25, 31, 32, 33, 39, 51, 61, 62, 64, 68, 73,80, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99 and 107 as amended following the the consideration of submissions, of Plan Change 4: Miscellaneous Plan Change will become 'operative' from 15 September 2021.
THAT Pursuant to Clause 8D of the first schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 Hauraki District Council withdraws items 21, 43 and 66 of Proposed Plan Change 4: Miscellaneous for the reasons that:
a) The modelling work required can be better undertaken in conjunction with the overall flood control performance review, to be undertaken shortly.
b) The time and cost involved is pursuing the proposed amendments outweighs the benefits (reduced need for resource consents).
THAT the Hauraki District Council, in accordance with clause 20 (1) and (2) in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, publicly notifies that Items:2, 4-6, 9-19, 20a-20b, 22-24, 26-30, 24-38, 39a-42,44-50, 51a-60, 61a-61c, 63, 65, 67, 69-72, 74-79, 81-92, 98, 100-106, 108-117 of Plan Change 4: Miscellaneous Plan Change will become 'Operative' from 16 November 2021.
THAT Pursuant to Clause 8D of the first schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, Hauraki District Council withdraw Item 6a and Item 93 of Proposed Plan Change 4: Miscellaneous and notes that the reason for its decision is that the resource management issues associated with amending the hazardous substances provisions of the District Plan are complex, inter-related and highly contested.
Plan Change 1 to the Hauraki District Plan - Hauraki Section
The purpose of Plan Change 1 (the Plan Change) was to remove impediments to affordable residential development and to provide for affordable housing options in a sustainable manner.
To achieve this, the District Plan has been changed so that there are fewer restrictions on development within some areas of the District through: amendments to the subdivision and development standards for the residential zones, provision for minor dwelling units in the residential and rural zones, and less restrictive earthworks standards for the urban zones.
Note: Plan Change 4 has amended a number of the provisions included in the District Plan under PC1 – to make them more readily able to be implemented, rather than to change their intent.
Council Resolution
RESOLVED : THAT the Hauraki District Council, in accordance with clause 20 (1) and (2) in Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991, publicly notifies that Plan Change 1: Rule Plan Change will become ‘Operative’ from 16 September 2019.