Coastal Erosion Setbacks
About the Review of Coastal Erosion Setbacks: Whiritoa Beach report
As part of the review of the District Plan the Council considered the erosion hazard protection lines, and rules relating to them, in the light of investigations by the Waikato Regional Council in 2002.
The lines in the District Plan are based on investigations in the early 1990's. Waikato Regional Council reviewed these in 2002, and the review by J. Dahm (Eco Nomas Ltd) in 2010. He was engaged to review and update the earlier work.
The conclusions of his report have been included in the Operative District Plan, with the Primary and Secondary Development setback lines being shown on the Planning Map for Whiritoa (Map E) and forming the basis for the rules in section 8.2.3 Erosion Protection Setback lines (Whiritoa Beach) in the District Plan text.
View the Review of Coastal Erosion Setbacks: Whiritoa Beach (475KB)