Engineering Manual - Franklin (Kaiaua) Section
For engineering work to be carried out in the area within Hauraki District that was previously part of the Franklin District, please refer to the Franklin District Code of Practice for Subdivision and Development which sets out the engineering requirements of Franklin Section District Plan (February 2000).
- Franklin Code of Practice for Subdivision and Development [PDF, 830 KB]
- Appendix A - Statement of Professional Opinion as to Suitability of Land for Building Development [PDF, 370 KB]
- Appendix B - Design Certificate - Land Development/Subdivision Work [PDF, 267 KB]
- Appendix C - Certified Development Check Lists [PDF, 3.6 MB]
- Appendix D - Assets to Vest Sheets (PDF) [PDF, 2 MB]
- Appendix D - Assets to Vest Sheets (MS Word) [DOC, 164 KB]
- Appendix E - Electronic As-Built Requirements [PDF, 1.9 MB]
- Appendix F - Road Asset Data Standard Specification [PDF, 3.3 MB]
- Appendix G - Standard Detail Drawings
- Appendix H - Standards and Guidelines relevant to the Road Network [PDF, 1.4 MB]