Activity Management
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings
Development Contributions
You can read more about the types of development that will likely trigger the requirement to pay development contributions and how development contributions are calculated on our development contributions page.
For information on Financial Contributions collected under the Resource Management Act 1991, refer to section 7.10 of the Hauraki District Plan or section 10.0 of the Franklin District Plan.
Directors of Council Organisations
Dog Control
Earthquake-prone Buildings
The national earthquake-prone building system was put in place to ensure earthquake-prone buildings are managed consistently across the country. It also provides more information for people using buildings, such as notices on earthquake-prone buildings and a public register. You can search the register and read about managing earthquake-prone buildings at the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment’s Building Performance website.
As part of the national system we classified some of the streets and footpaths in our district as ‘busy thoroughfares’. What this means and the implications for earthquake-prone buildings in our district can be found on our page about The National Earthquake-prone Buildings System.
Easter Sunday Shop Trading
Financial Policies
Land Transport
Legal Highs
Litter Infringement
Public Arts
Significance and Engagement
Smokefree and Vape free
Town Centre Footpath Management
- Town Centre Footpath Management Policy - Advertising Board info sheet (PDF, 695.9KB)
- Town Centre Footpath Management Policy - Retail Stands info sheet (PDF, 705.3KB)
- Town Centre Footpath Management Policy - Outdoor Seating info sheet (PDF, 760.3KB)
- Town Centre Footpath Management Policy - Street Appeals and Charity Fundraisers info sheet (PDF, 515KB)
- Town Centre Footpath Management Policy - Street Performance and Busking info sheet (PDF, 653.2KB)