Vision & Community Outcomes
Te Moemoeā me ngā Huanga Hapori
The Community Outcomes are the adopted goals and aspirations that the Council aims to achieve in all aspects of its leadership, policy development and service delivery and to promote the interests of the community – now and in the future.
Our vision / Tō Mātou Tauākī Moemoeā
Our home, our future
Our vision captures our reason for getting out of the bed in the morning. It’s our team’s purpose.
To us ‘our home, our future’ means that we’re proud to live here and we want our future generations to be proud to live here too. We want to work with you to help shape our future rather than waiting for things to happen. That means creating opportunities for the now and also for future generations. We are ready to push boundaries to make things happen.
Tō tātou rohe kāinga, Tō tatou ao tūroa
Ka hopukina tō mātou tauākī moemoeā te tino pūtake ka ara ake i te moenga ia ata. Ko tēnei tō mātou pūtake mō te tima.
Ki a mātou ‘Tō tātou rohe kāinga, Tō tatou ao tūroa’ ka noho whakahī tahi tatou i tēnei wā, a tērā wā hoki o ā tātou uri whakatupu. Ko tō mātou hiahia kia mahi ngātahi tātou ka whakaritea tō mātou ao ki mua, ka tatari kē kia tutuki. Ka whakaritehia ngā āheinga ināianei, āpōpō hoki mō ngā uri whakatupu. Kua reri mātou kia panahia ngā ripa tauārai ēnei āhuatanga.
Community Outcomes
Our community outcomes express in more detail what we’d like to see happen in our District. These outcomes continue to stay at the forefront of the decisions we make. We developed these community outcomes after speaking to our community about what they love about our District, and what they want to see in the future.
Healthy environment | Te Mauri o te Taiao
- Ecosystems are protected, restored and respected.
- We minimise waste.
- Our rivers, streams and wetlands are healthy and we use water carefully.
- We reduce our carbon footprint to minimise climate change.
Connected people | Tūhono
- We look after each other.
- We are partners with iwi.
- We collaborate with other local authorities, and central government.
- Youth are engaged and supported.
- We’re proud to live here.
Vibrant and safe communities | Te Oranga pai o te Hapori
- Public spaces are fun and inviting.
- Everyone has access to safe, healthy, and affordable homes.
- Roads and bridges are safe and well-maintained.
- We have a reliable drinking water supply.
- We plan for and adapt to the effects of climate change.
Strong economy | Oranga Ōhanga
- Local business is supported – we can get what we need locally.
- There is opportunity for paid work and employment, and training.
- We are skilled and educated