Rating Valuations
Find my Valuation
Property values can be found in the Rating Information Database.
What are Rating Valuations Used For?
Rating Valuations are solely for the purpose of determining the share of rates each rating unit (property) will pay where rates are levied on a capital value or land value basis. Rates levied on an area or uniform basis, eg per property, are not impacted by rating values.
Who determines the Rating Valuations?
Hauraki District Council engages a Valuation Service Provider to maintain the rating valuations. Council currently uses Quotable Value to fulfil that role.
How do I object?
When valuations occur every three years, you will have an opportunity to object, free of charge.
Objections to the 2021 Rating Valuations have now closed.
Find out more
To find out about rating valuations and the revaluation process, visit the Quotable Value website.