Separately Used or Inhabited Parts (SUIPs)
A UAC and a Ward Annual Charge is charged per separately used part of a property.
If your property has more than one SUIP, you will be rated one UAC and one Ward Annual Charge per separate dwelling or business. In other words, per separately used part.
Multiple SUIP situations
Some examples of multiple SUIP situations are:
- retirement villages
- farms / lifestyle properties with more than one dwelling, i.e. worker’s accommodation
- farms / lifestyle properties with businesses operating from the same property
- multiple commercial activities within one building; and this may also include permitted residential accommodation within that business premises
- home based businesses (except as allowed as of right in the District Plan)
- two or more houses, flats or apartments on one rating unit
- residential accommodation rented individually per room. For a residential property to be classified as having additional SUIPs, each part must have a separate bathroom, bedroom or living area and separate sink
- separate dwelling for short-term accommodation.
Definition of an additional SUIP
For dwellings, the test of whether a subsequent dwelling is a separate SUIP includes whether that dwelling has;
- separate kitchen sink
- separate bathroom facilities
- separate living/sleeping area
- separate entrance (not necessarily external) from the main dwelling.
Temporary cabins/portable tiny houses
If there is a building consent for a temporary cabin or a portable tiny house, and if there is a separate kitchen sink and bathroom, then this would be charged an additional SUIP. However, if family are staying in it and not paying rent then a remission can be applied for.
Second dwelling, but no one lives in it
A charge for an additional SUIP will apply, even if no one is currently living in the accommodation.
Remissions Policy for SUIPs
We are aware there are always exceptions when it comes to rating. Therefore we are offering a remission for those who apply to Council before 1 April of the relevant rating year, where there is a subsequent separately used dwelling that is either:
- used by non-paying family or friends, OR
- uninhabitable; and therefore cannot be used for accommodation.
View more information about Remissions and how to apply