Water Rates
Who is responsible for paying water rates accounts?
The property owner is responsible for paying water rates accounts, as per the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002. Therefore in the case of a rental property it is the landlord's responsibility to ensure payment of the account is received by Council.
How are water rates charged?
Council sets an annual charge per connection to a water supply on each rating unit and a water volume rate per unit of water supplied to each rating unit based on location and level of service provided. Water supply rates are billed separately twice yearly on varying dates in the various water supply areas.
The current water rate in Hauraki is targeted per cubic meter as per the table below plus a $198.26 (including GST) annual supply charge.
Supply Charge | + | Water Volume Rate |
$198.26 annual charge | + | per cubic meter of water supplied |
Water volume rates (metered supply)
HDC sets a targeted rate per unit of water supplied to each rating unit connected to an HDC water supply.
The 2024/25 estimated rates (in cents per cubic metre of water supplied) are: | Rates 2024/2025 |
Base Rate - Consumption up to 200 cubic metres | $3.74 |
Step One - Consumption 200 - 400 cubic metres | $2.69 |
Step Two - All consumption over 400 cubic metres | $2.29 |
Please note: these fees apply until 30 June 2025 |
Extraordinary Water Use
An Extraordinary Water Use rate is charged for purposes other than permanent metered connections, such as tankered water and contractor use of hydrants. The rate is $7.50/m³ (incl. GST), 2 times the current urban treated water rate.
A permit must be applied for:
Paying Water Rates
Water rates can also be paid by:
- Cash at one of our offices
- EFTPOS at one of our offices
- EasyPay (Direct Debit)
- Automatic Payments
See more about Payments
Penalties for late payment
The following penalties will be applied to water supply rates:
For rating units billed twice a year:
- an additional charge of 5% will be added to all current and previous years’ rates outstanding on the day following the last date for payment of the first instalment (as described above)
- an additional charge of 5% will be added to all current and previous years’ rates outstanding on the day following the last date for payment of the second instalment (as described above).
For rating units billed bi-monthly:
- an additional charge of 5% will be added to all current and previous years’ rates outstanding on the day following the last date for payment of the second instalment (as described above)
an additional charge of 5% will be added to all current and previous years’ rates outstanding on the day following the last date for payment of the fifth instalment (as described above).