Apply to do work on Berms, Roads or Footpaths
Types of permits required
If you need to do any work in the road reserve (defined as from property boundary to property boundary, including the road) you’ll need a Corridor Access Request (CAR) Permit and/or Traffic Management Plan approval from us before you start.
If you are constructing, repairing, removing or widening a vehicle crossing (also known as a driveway), you’ll need to complete a Vehicle Crossing Permit application too.
Other work in the road corridor can include things like removing or trimming overhanging trees on your property boundary, adding a utility to your property up to a full road closure for an event.
A CAR is required for any activity that:
- Alters, or creates the need for alterations, to the surface of any part of the road reserve (road, footpath, berm).
Vehicle Crossings (Driveways)
A Vehicle Crossing Permit application AND a Corridor Access Request (CAR) is needed by law for:
- constructing,
- repairing,
- removing or
- widening a vehicle crossing.
Vehicle crossings are the formed access for vehicles to enter or leave private land from a road, commonly known as driveways. You may also require a Traffic Management Plan.
No work can be undertaken until your Traffic Management Plan has been approved by us.
Approval and Inspection
All vehicle crossings must be approved by the Council and inspected by our staff throughout construction.
It's important for Council to approve and inspect the work to make sure the construction is carried out by qualified persons and meets the required construction standards.
We’re making it simpler and more cost effective for you to do your work. Our fees for approving a Vehicle Crossing permit and associated site inspections have been suspended for the time being. There may be other council fees though if you need a Resource Consent for instance.
Construction Standards and Specifications
There are different construction standards for a vehicle crossing depending on the type of property it is accessing - residential, commercial, or industrial.
Vehicle crossing construction specifications for:
- Class A: Standard Articulated Vehicle Crossing in rural area
- Class B: Standard Rural Vehicle Crossing for all activities that do not require a Class A crossing nor are residential activities in the rural area
- Class C: Standard Rural Vehicle Crossing for residential activities in the rural area, low density residential, reserve (active) and reserve (passive) zones
- Class D: Standard Commercial/Industrial Vehicle Entrance for non-residential activities in the urban area
- Class E: Standard Residential Vehicle Entrance for residential activities in the urban area (excluding the low density residential and reserve (active) zones)
Advice before you start
If you’re unsure about what you need to know or do before you apply for a permit, get in touch with us. We’re here to help. Phone 0800 734 834 (in district) or 07 862 8609, or email
Submit a Permit application
Apply here for a Corridor Access Request and Traffic Management Plan, or Vehicle Crossing Permit.
Did you know, by law, no work (ie excavation or road closure) can start before we have approved your CAR application, Vehicle Crossing and/or Traffic Management Plan. A CAR is required to make sure all work sites in the road reserve are as safe as possible for workers, motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.
Does your project need a Resource Consent?
Standards and Specifications for Vehicle Crossings
- Class A: Standard articulated vehicle crossing in rural area (PDF, 332.5KB)
- Class B: Standard Rural Vehicle Crossing for all activities that do not require a Class A crossing nor are residential activities in the rural area (PDF, 344.5KB)
- Class C: Standard Rural Vehicle Crossing for residential activities in the rural area, low density residential, reserve (active) and reserve (passive) zone (PDF, 332KB)
- Class D: Standard Commercial/Industrial Vehicle Entrance for non-residential activities in the urban area (PDF, 205.2KB)
- Class E: Standard residential vehicle entrance for residential activities in the Urban area (excluding the low density residential and reserve (Active Zones). (PDF, 205.2KB)
We’re making it simpler and more cost effective for you to do your work. Our fees for approving a Vehicle Crossing permit and associated site inspections have been suspended for the time being. There may be other fees though for processing or consents (resource/building).