Report a power outage
- For individual streetlights - report to Council on 0800 734 834 (in district) or 07 862 8609
- For a whole street or neighbourhood - report to your electricity supplier
- For downed powerlines or other hazards to the network: Phone PowerCo 0800 27 27 27 or online PowerCo Outages and Faults
Council is responsible for fixing individual streetlights if it's a blown light bulb, but if it's a cable fault within the light pole, that will be fixed by PowerCo once we notify our electricity supplier.
If a whole street or neighbourhood has no power, it’s a network issue. We don't have a hotline to the network company, PowerCo, so the action we can take is to notify Council’s electrical energy supplier, currently Genesis Energy, who then takes the matter up with Powerco. In effect the Council is an additional link in the communications chain.
Your electricity retailer
Reporting any network fault directly to your electricity retailer is the quickest way to get the information through, find out if work is being done on the network, and get the best estimate on the time the service will be restored. You can find the contact number for your electricity retailer on your power bill.
Check for updates on power outage
When you experience a power outage at night, first check the streetlights - if they are on outside your property, the fault is likely to be in your property. If you don't have any tripped switches on your switchboard you may need to call an electrician or check with your electricity supplier. Things that can cause you to lose power besides a fault can be a planned outage or an unpaid bill.
However, if the streetlights are also out, it is likely to be a network issue. Call your electricity supplier in the first instance to report the fault, or if you have internet access on your charged phone, check their website for outages information and updates. The fault may have already been reported.
Once there are less than 10 properties on a street affected by a power outage, your street may drop off the Outages list, even if your power hasn't been restored yet. Keep checking or contact your supplier again to let them know you are still without power.
NB: If you are reliant on electricity for medical reasons, it's important for you to lodge that information with your electricity supplier.
Who is responsible for what?
- Council is responsible for fixing individual street lights where we can ie blown bulbs
- PowerCo is responsible for fixing cable faults to individual lamp poles and whole street or neighbourhood wide street light outages.
- Home owners are responsible for fixing a switchboard or electrical wiring fault on their property