Rubbish & Recycling
Fees & Charges Waste Management
User fees and charges for rubbish disposal at our two refuse transfer stations.
Let's Talk Rubbish
From the kerbside to recycling...or not. From problematics plastics to contaminated waste.
Litter Infringements
To help keep Hauraki District clean and free from litter, Council has introduced an infringement fee for littering
Love Food Hate Waste
We're proud to be part of the national Love Food Hate Waste NZ campaign.
Ordering Rubbish & Recycling Options Online
We have a number of online ordering options for your convenience - rubbish tags, bins and rubbish services.
Recycling in Hauraki
What can or can't be recycled and what goes in my bins.
Ways to Reduce waste
See what you can do to reduce your household waste.