Para | Rubbish & PAYT Tags
Rubbish is collected fortnightly. Check the collection day for your area.
Always place bin's logo facing toward the road by 7:30am on collection day. Put them as close as possible to the kerb so the trucks can pick them up.
Your green PAYT tag must be fed through the red bin handle and the black lug next to the handle. This is so the tag will rip along the perforation as the bin is turned upside down. Bins with tags only thread through the one handle will not be collected as the tag will not tear and could be used again. Writing your address on the PAYT tag is recommended, to reduce theft. Our bin auditors are checking to ensure the bins at kerbside are compliant for our truck to pick them up.
Pay As You Throw (PAYT) tag
Fit it right, it'll sit tight!
Watch this handy video from Mayor Toby Adams. It shows the correct way to secure your rubbish bin tag. When done right, even a blow gun couldn't remove it!
Note: From Monday 20 November, rubbish bins that have no PAYT tag or have a tag that is only thread through one handle, will not be emptied.
This PAYT system for rubbish bins means that each household is only paying for the rubbish they generate.
The green HDC PAYT tag must be attached to the rubbish bin each time it is put out for collection.
Tags must be fed through the handle on the red bin lid and the black lug to the side of the handle. This is so when the bin is turned upside down, the tag will tear apart and fall into the truck. If the tag is only on one handle, it won't tear and can be used again which isn't fair on other users. Only green HDC tags will be accepted at kerbside.
How to deter/reduce theft of PAYT tags?
Follow instructions carefully on the tag to make sure the tag is secured properly through the T shaped slot. This includes writing your street address on the PAYT tag. This might reduce theft by deterring individuals from taking your tag from the bin at kerbside.
What does it mean to have your bin audited/checked?
Our bin auditors are checking the red lidded landfill bin to ensure the bins at kerbside are compliant for collection. This includes:
- That red lidded landfill bins are fitted with a Hauraki District PAYT tag
- The PAYT tag is fitted correctly according to tag instructions
- The PAYT tag is not tampered with
- The PAYT tag is through both handles of the bin and lid
- The address on the tag matches the property where the bin is placed at kerbside.
Our bin auditors do regular kerbside checks for all bins, so although the refuse truck drivers are not checking each tag (however they do if we request it for a specific purpose), the auditors sometimes find tags with mismatching addresses, which alerts us to a possible issue. Making sure your refuse bin is out on kerbside by 7:30am, the morning of collection, could also help reduce PAYT tag issues. If you suspect your bin tag is being stolen regularly, being tampered with or you have anything you need us to investigate, please let us know.
The tags have a built-in security feature, so they cannot be copied. Falsifying a PAYT tag could result in a $200 fine.
Don't let the wind flip your lid
Pick up a FREE bin lid clip from one of our three service centres.
So, your tag is on correctly, the wind isn't blowing it off - but the wind has managed to flip your bin lid and your tag has split and blown away. Here's a quick solution - pick up a FREE bin lid clip from our service centres if you don't already have one. We've got a good supply of bin clips available - one per household as they are interchangeable between the rubbish and recycling bins. Whiritoa cafe also has a supply for locals - saves you a trip into Waihī. Watch this video for 'how to use the clip'.
Buying PAYT tags
The tags will be available for $8.00 each (recommended retail price).
- Purchase from Council services centres in Ngātea, Paeroa and Waihī,
- Purchase online 5, 10 or 20 tags
- Purchase from retail outlets (listed below)
- Bulk orders online for retailers (minimum of 20 tags)
Retail Outlets
The following retail outlets have committed to stocking the PAYT Tags. Their stock will arrive over the next week or two. We'll keep adding stockists as they are confirmed.
- Daffodil Dairy, 7 Tauranga Road, Waihī
- FreshChoice Supermarket, 6 Consols Street, Waihī
- Maybelle Superette, 2 Kensington Street, Waihī
- New World Supermarket, 35 Kenny Street, Waihī
- Countdown, 27 Belmont Road, Paeroa
- Criterion Dairy, 140 Normanby Road, Paeroa
- Four Square, 104 Normanby Road, Paeroa
- Four Square, 25 Orchard West Road, Ngātea
- Fresh Way, Orchard West Road, Ngātea
- Turua Dairy and Takeaways, 469 Hauraki Road, Turua
- GAS Kaiaua, 925 East Coast Road, Kaiaua
- The Pink Shop, 999 East Coast Road, Kaiaua
- Whiritoa General Store & Cafe, 4 Fishermans Bend, Whiritoa
- Pak 'n Save, 100 Mary Street, Thames (remember to ask for the GREEN Pay As You Throw tag for HDC).
- Sunny's, 632 Port Road, Whangamatā (remember to ask for the GREEN Pay As You Throw tag for HDC).
The tag fee covers the total cost of waste destined to landfill including its collection, transportation, disposal costs and government fees (including Government waste levy and emission charges).
What you can put in this bin
Household waste only. Anything that can't be reused, recycled or composted.
✓ Plastics graded 3, 4, 6, 7 or no graded number
✓ Wet wipes, nappies, sanitary and incontinence products
✓ Bags, bin liners, cling film and glad wrap
✓ Glass medicine and perfume bottles, light bulbs, drinking glasses, cookware and broken glass (wrap broken glass in paper)
✓ Clothing and shoes (worn out and unwearable)
✓ Takeaway coffee cups/lids and tea bags
✓ Small animal waste and cold ash
✓ Small lids (milk bottle and soft drink)
✓ Polystyrene
✓ Toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes
✓ Toys
✓ Vapeware
✓ Small stationery items
What you cannot put in this bin
X dead animals/pets
X hot ash
X untreated timber
X construction material
X white ware
X batteries*
X paint*
X hazardous waste*
X TV tubes and computer screens*
*Check our Rubbish Disposal Sites (Refuse Transfer Stations) for disposal options.
Batteries Don’t throw batteries in your rubbish bin. When compacted, batteries can catch on fire. Take to your local Rubbish Disposal Site (Refuse Transfer Station) in Waihi or Paeroa.