Rules, Regulations & Licences
Alcohol Licensing
If you own, operate or manage a business or venue, where alcohol will be sold or supplied, you need to be familiar with the laws and regulations that apply to alcohol.
All you need to know about building in the Hauraki district with links to Build Waikato and Objective Build.
Bylaws are rules made by local councils which affect the way we live, work and play. They are there to make our district a safe and healthy place.
Dogs and Other Animals
A range of information related to dog ownership, registration and exercise areas.
Fees and Charges
Select the categories to view the associated fees or download the Fees and Charges Schedule.
Food and Health Licensing
Information about selling and trading in food in the Hauraki district; and the licences and fees required.
An A-Z list of our forms grouped by topics.
Noise Control
What is unreasonable noise, how to make a noise complaint and how to be a good neighbour if you do make some noise.
Resource Consents
Information on resource consents, how to make an application, subdivisions, deemed permitted activities, development contributions and notified applications.
All about the subdivision process, rules and consents.
Swimming Pool Fencing
All you need to know about the fencing requirements of having a swimming pool or spa on your property.