Dog Exercise Areas
Where can I exercise my dog off the leash?
There are many areas you can exercise your dog off the leash, as long as they are under control. The owner, or responsible person over 16-years-old must have control of the dog and remain in the exercise area while the dog is running free. You can exercise your dog in the following areas:
Stop bank land in Ngātea:
- between the 100/50 km/hr speed limit sign on River Road and the Waikato Regional Council pump station adjacent to Orchard West Road.
- between the corner of Orchard West Road and Kaihere Road to Puhanga Island Bridge, Kaihere Road.
River Road, Ngātea
- fenced off area on River Road (previously used as an old Council stock Pound).
- Public land between the northern boundary of the Waharau Reserve and the southern boundary of the Wharekawa Recreation Reserve at Waihopuhopu Bridge.
- Kerepēhi Domain - the fenced off area on the left hand side from the road (as per signage).
- Stop bank land between Criterion Bridge and William Street, excluding the carpark.
- Brenan Field, excluding the skate park and the sports fields.
- Leach's Field, reserve land previously used as rugby fields behind West Rugby Club, excluding the area over the bridge around the clubrooms (access from Neil Street only).
- Waihī South Reserve, Consols Street.
- Morgan Park, behind the netball courts only, excluding the children's playground and sports fields.
- Whiritoa Beach - see rules below.
Whiritoa Beach Rules
North of Moray Place Beach access
20 December to 9 February and all public holiday weekends:
- Dogs Prohibited 9am - 6pm
- Dogs off leash 6pm - 9am
10 February to 19 December (excluding public holidays and weekends):
- Dogs on leash 10am - 3pm
- Dogs off leash 3pm - 10am
South of Moray Place Beach access*
- Dogs prohibited all year round on the southern end of Whiritoa Beach, including the urupā site.
*These areas include significant NZ Dotterel breeding sites.
Where can I exercise my dog on a leash?
Dogs on a leash are welcome in any public place within our district except where dogs are specifically prohibited.
Where is my dog not allowed?
Dogs are prohibited from:
- Children’s playgrounds and skateparks.
- Publicly notified defined areas of ecological sensitivity.
- Parts of Whiritoa Beach - Whiritoa Beach for more information.
- Pa/urupā site, Ngāti Koi Recreation Reserve (Black Hill Reserve), Waihī.
- The beach area from Pūkorokoro / Miranda to south Kaiaua.
Hauraki Rail Trail:
- Ferry Road, Hikutaia, to Opukeko Stream Bridge, Paeroa.
- Ryall Road, Paeroa, to Matamata-Piako District Council boundary.
- Intersection of Rotokohu Road and Te Moananui Flats Road, Paeroa, to Bridge Street, Karangahake.
- Ōhinemuri River footbridge at Victoria Battery, Waikino, to the northern side of the C-11 swing bridge, Waihī.
- Between Kopu Bridge State Highway 25 and State Highway25, Pipiroa.
- Between unsealed Buchanan Road, Pipiroa, and State Highway 25, Waitakaruru.
- From where the Trail crosses Front Miranda Road, through to the southern boundary of Kaiaua (50km speed limit sign).
Areas where dogs cannot be exercised can be found in our Dog Control Bylaw.